Preferred pronouns: he/him/his
B.A., Biology, Carthage College
Discovery and Mechanism of Small Molecule Inhibitors Selective for the Chromatin-Binding Domains of Oncogenic UHRF1. Liu WH, Miner RE, Albaugh BN, Ananiev GE, Wildman SA, Denu JM. Biochemistry 2022.
Research Interests/Experience
Research Assistant (February 2020 – Present): Developing a high-throughput assay to identify inhibitors of histone-binding domains of NSD2, a cancer target. Primary Investigator John Denu Ph.D. (Wisconsin Institute for Discovery)
Research Specialist (January 2019- February 2020): Developed and carried out a high-throughput assay to identify small molecule inhibitors of histone-binding domains of UHRF1, a cancer target. Along with secondary validation experiments both in vivo, in vitro, and using bioinformatics software. Primary Investigator John Denu Ph.D., Direct Supervisor Wallace Liu Ph.D. (Wisconsin Institute for Discovery)
Undergraduate Biochemistry Research (2016-2018): Worked on elucidating the role of sRNA C.0293 in E.coli in the bacterium’s stress response. Presented findings at the 2018 American Chemistry Society Conference in New Orleans, LA. Primary Investigator Janice Pellino Ph.D. (Carthage College)
Undergraduate Bacteriophage Research (2014-2015): Research-based through the HHMI Phage Hunters Program. Isolating mycobacteriophage, annotating genome, and contributing information to the PhagesDB. Primary Investigator Deborah Tobiason Ph.D. (Carthage College)